Holy Cow

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Rain fell on the metal roof, adding to the sacred silence.  Humans, bovines, and felines alike gathered round the deathbed of a Divine Mother, a truly Holy Cow.

This old stone barn always brought comfort, as if the stones and beams themselves held all who entered in a loving embrace. Today, it was warmed by the body heat of a several cows, who gazed at us benevolently from under their long lashes. The sweet smell of hay mixed with frankincense, sage, and a death whose time was right.

One by one, people approached to whisper their truths in her ear. My dear friend and I sat with her large, warm, lovely head across both of our laps. Wesley T. Monkey, unusually attuned even for a cat, lay purring across Penny’s back. Others gathered round in the thick bed of hay, laying their heads and hands across her body, most with tears falling into her luxuriant, red coat.


Many brought offerings– prayer flags, which we hung above her; mala beads, which we strung around her neck; crisp apples, which we fed her in small pieces; sage and frankincense, with we we smudged and anointed her; and sweets to comfort the rest of us.

Gazing into her eyes, I traveled back in time to revisit many of my most treasured memories: a silent walk we took together, she and I, watching the wildflowers wave in the wind, and butterflies shine in the sunlight;  the look on her face as she was surrounded by adoring children; her joy on many a hot summer day we designated as spa days, when visiting school children would giver her a cold bath and feed her cold cucumbers; the time she– literally– joined in on a picnic with our Farmitecture students as they took a meal break from building the new chicken coop; and just a few weeks ago, when a group of traveling Buddhist monks kindly stopped at the sanctuary to pray over and bless Penny and all of the animals.


Penny Power needed no fences to hold her in, but roamed the sanctuary freely, going wherever she was needed. She nurtured all the animals (human and other) here at the sanctuary. She comforted all who sought her, and taught all who had open hearts. She showered us with unfailing wisdom, unending compassion, and the deepest form of pure, unselfish love.

Penny lived fully, simply, and serenely, with a sense of wit and grace. Once or twice, she came right to the front porch of the house to share a salad at meal time, and took to sitting peacefully with us in the evening as we watched the sun set. Last September when we brought home a starving calf, her compassion was so strong and pure that, although she had not had a baby in seven years, she began lactating.

Penny faced her death easily; she was clear that the time was right. She lay her head on our laps and breathed a deep cleansing breathe as the sedative entered her bloodstream. Prayers were uttered as the vet administered her final shot. In the silence after, Penny’s spirit hovered near us, comforting us.

Outside, the rain gently transitioned to soft, lacy flakes– confetti honoring the eternal triumph of a Great Master. Penny’s spirit softly turned from us and landed on her dear cow friend, Gus. A few moments later, she was gone.

Silently, the snow continued to fall.


Please share your precious memories of Penny in the comments below, we love to hear about all the ways she touched hearts.

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75 thoughts on “Holy Cow

    Karen K. Devine said:
    January 5, 2015 at 3:29 pm

    We will always cherish the picture my daughter Keira had taken with Penny at the Thanksliving Feast 2014. She hugged her, kissed her and laid down with her. I am glad Penny had so much love to help her in her passing. We will never forget her…..


    Bren McClain said:
    January 5, 2015 at 3:39 pm

    I have glimpsed heaven. No words ever, no photos ever more holy. God never more present than here.


      Bren McClain said:
      January 5, 2015 at 3:53 pm

      Your words always move my soul, Indra. And bring tears.


        indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
        January 5, 2015 at 3:54 pm

        The feeling is mutual, Bren, I can’t wait to read whatever you write next!


        Bren McClain said:
        January 5, 2015 at 4:12 pm

        Nor can I wait to read your words. They’re coated in the divine.


        indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
        January 5, 2015 at 5:10 pm

        The Divine coats everything that allows It…


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 5, 2015 at 3:55 pm

      It is said that those closest to God are best able to see Her in All that Is…


    Becky and Zoe said:
    January 5, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    From the moment that I met Penny my life was changed for the better. I never in a million years would have thought that spending time with a cow would impact me in such a way. But, Penny was not just any cow, she was a great cow, an all-knowing cow. Her kind eyes, and the carefree love radiating from her, was simply pure and peaceful. And she knew, somehow that I needed that purity and peace in my life. Zoe (my daughter) was instantly drawn to her and was perfectly content laying down and cuddling up with her. I will cherish my time with Penny for all my days.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 5, 2015 at 3:54 pm

      Thank you Becky. I know Penny always looked forward to a good cuddle session with Zoe and you.


    Coleen said:
    January 5, 2015 at 4:05 pm

    The impact one soul makes is profound. I never met Penny in person. In fact, my first introduction was this tribute to her and the love she brought to this world. It impacted me enough to comment, a stranger in one sense, yet a close friend in another. A good life, and a good death, and her eternal soul that will live on in the actions of others for generations to come. One soul can change the world…Namaste❤


    carol broll said:
    January 5, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    I have moved to NYC and had been away from Indraloka for 5 long months. I came back for a visit in mid-December and was so glad that I had a final chance to visit with Penny. She was laying on her side when I got there and when she raised her head I gave her apples and was thrilled to see that she ate them with gusto. I talked to her for a while and complained that I was also feeling the effects of old age. At that moment she lay back on her side and started swinging her head back and forth on the ground as if she was doing exercises to improve her circulation. I thanked her for her good advice to always do ones best and not to let things bring us down; I then gave her a kiss, hoping at that time, that it was not a good-bye kiss.
    Indra, your blog was beautiful and heart-wrenching as always.


    Sherry said:
    January 5, 2015 at 4:24 pm

    In a world where the lives of cows, pigs, chickens and other animals lives are trivialized every minute of every day, it makes me weep with joy that a precious few are loved and respected like Penny was.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 5, 2015 at 4:54 pm

      Thank you, Sherry. I know you work hard to make a joyful life for as many of them as you can.


    Deb Bednar said:
    January 5, 2015 at 4:59 pm

    An amazing and beautiful tribute to one Sweet Angel as only Indra can compose, thank you for words that most of us have trouble expressing. I have to be honest in saying our Penny was the first cow I ever met and established a relationship with, what a gift….I would so look forward to seeing her upon my arrivals to the farm to come spend time with Izzie and Marisol(whom I consider my own children)never knowing where she might be grazing or simply enjoying the sun, or cool days with less flies to shoo away. sometimes I would be getting ready to leave and find her standing right beside my car, I’d like to think she was saying goodbye until the next day. My favorite memory is when I was bathing Izzie and Marisol by the barn on a rather warm summer day and Penny strolled on down, I filled a bucket and she started drinking heartily while I would spray her off, she looked so content and happy to have a quick shower. Her eyes always told the story of what she was feeling at any given time. I will surely miss her sweet presence but know I will feel her with me for many days to come. Thank you Sweet, sweet Lady, you have made me pay more attention, I will cherish that gift!


    Sue Sylvester said:
    January 5, 2015 at 6:57 pm

    I wanted so badly to be able to go to the Thanksliving event, but did not have the extra money. I had a powerful need to touch Penny. Then, something special happened. Indraloka had a contest where the prize was two tickets to the festivities. I felt as if the universe was offering me this chance to go to the event. And, after quickly going to the store and doing what the contest required, I became the winner of two tickets. My heart was so grateful and the darkness that has been around me was lifted for awhile. Penny was my first priority to find. When I saw her resting in the grass on the hill, I went to her and finally was able to put my hands on her sweet head and feel her peaceful energy. Her story of having her babies taken from her and then her maternal reaction to Mookie resonated with me. I had a son die when he was four and felt a connection with Penny unlike any I have felt with any human. Her eyes held some of the sadness she had experienced, but they also held the love she was now feeling at the sanctuary. She was the last one I said good-bye to that day and as I touched her head, a tear ran down her face. I believe she sensed we shared that connection of loss. I thanked her for her resilience and for the grace and peace she showed me. Indra, your words paint a beautiful picture of the love Penny gave and received. Thank you for writing them.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 5, 2015 at 7:20 pm

      Oh Sue, thank you for sharing this deeply personal memory. What a beautiful example of the many ways Penny– and each of the animals– touch us and help us to heal and grow.


    Sarah said:
    January 5, 2015 at 7:36 pm

    I have many memories of Penny and I. I loved every one of them but these are my favorites: one time I decided I would eat my apple with Penny as she ate her apples and she was done with hers before I finished mine. She managed to get my apple out of my hands and into her tummy with her long tongue without my permission. I laughed at how much she loved apples. My other favorite was giving her baths on hot summer days. She was always so pleased to be cooled down. My third favorite was laying next to her last winter and brushing her. She was always so happy to have the company. She loved it every time I brushed her. It made us both so content. My most favorite was from fall 2013. I was there on a chilly Sunday volunteering all day. The cows were all next to their watertub wanting to drink out of it but seemed afraid or wanted something different. After talking to Penny, I knew what she wanted. She wanted in the back pasture. At the time, I had no idea there was a nature made pond in the pasture that they enjoyed drinking out of. I opened the gate. Penny, her herd, and I all walked out there. In those moments, I never felt more brave or protected. Penny made me feel safe in her presence. I felt free. I felt alive. I was complete. I never wanted this moment to end. The cows drank out of the pond. Afterwards, they gave me a look of thankfulness. The view from there was beautiful. Then, we all spent some time together. It was beautiful. In Penny’s presence, I didn’t have to worry. She always let me know everything would work out okay. She calmed me when I was stressed, sad, scared, etc. To me, Penny is an angel. She brought me out of the lonely place I was in when I started volunteering and made me someone stronger. Penny made me feel complete. I am so very fortunate to have known her.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 5, 2015 at 7:41 pm

      Precious Sarah, I feel that Penny would want you to know that you ARE brave, protected, safe, free, alive, and complete just as you are. She was just helping you to feel who you truly are, and who you remain. Often, I have smiled to myself as I glimpsed tender moments between you and Penny. I know she loves you still… very, very much.


    Graham Worth said:
    January 5, 2015 at 8:41 pm

    I never had the pleasure to meet Penny. However I did have the pleasure in meeting Indra, this past summer, at a pig save in Toronto. I had just finished reading this touching story when an email came in, from Derek, one of Esther the Wonder Pig’s dads. The tears hadn’t dried on my face, quite literally. I am an electrician, and some time ago I had reached out to them about helping them out with some electrical work. I had been out to the farm initially to check some of the electrical stuff out. Now they need some work done. This ones for you Penny. RIP sweet soul


    Laura Beck said:
    January 5, 2015 at 10:08 pm

    I didn’t really know Penny that well. We just met her last summer when we were passing through. She was the first cow (actually first sanctuary animal) I had ever met. She was very gentle, and a great ambassador for your sanctuary.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 5, 2015 at 10:22 pm

      Laura, it was such a pleasure to meet you last summer, and I am certain Penny felt the same!


    Bren McClain said:
    January 5, 2015 at 10:22 pm

    It’s just come to me why I’m so affected by Penny’s passing. Dignity. You gave Penny dignity in her passing. My prayer is that all animals could experience such. I have a dream…. But Penny, you gave Penny dignity. God bless all who gave.


    Maddie said:
    January 6, 2015 at 1:07 am

    Penny gave me a few of the most powerful spiritual revelations of my life. Her communication skills were so clear, and that was so evident in every meeting with her. She showed me that she was one of the very few beings on earth whose external beauty matched their internal divinity. Her wisdom guided her apprentices to compassion and understanding, a rarity among gifts. Her presence was a pungent one, guiding the energy around her. Penny Power couldn’t have been a more cosmically accurate aura to be known by. The new life she has going by now will surely be one ripened by compassion, patience, and age… What a soul gentled in love. You’re forever missed in my life, Penny.


    Keira Devine said:
    January 6, 2015 at 3:14 am

    Although I only met Penny once it was a wonderful time. Hugging her and looking into her eyes I could tell she was wiser than I am, full of love, light, and compassion. I cherished the moments we shared together laying in the grass. She was a beautiful girl inside and out. Her soul will live on forever full of love. You are an amazing woman, you gave Penny happiness and love I’m sure her time with you was all she could have ever wanted. While so many non human persons who are born into this world will never even get a chance to know love, you give that chance to so many. Thank you for everything you do and I will donate to you any time I am able to.


    George Duffy said:
    January 6, 2015 at 6:03 am

    Words seem so static to describe such a loss but something of permanence for the unknowing seems just. I have shed so many tears in the past few days knowing Penny will no longer be watching me from somewhere up on the hill or just around the corner when I’m at a place that I love. I not only wanted her to stay longer out of my own selfishness but out of an awareness of what Penny was capable of and I wanted others to meet her. Penny was a transcendent being, a rare soul who was capable of, though her wisdom and kindness, blurring the line between what was once thought to be and what she showed was possible. Im not sure she was completely capable of this on her own. I believe Penny was partly a manifestation of Indra’s love. I morn not only the loss of a friend but the world’s temporary loss of a wise, old all caring teacher. The true loss is for everyone who never met Penny, for she was capable though her loving, peaceful presence of changing the darkness and misunderstanding in peoples hearts. My one wish would be that the world could feel what I felt sitting beside Penny on that last day, a day I was so honored to be apart of, being in the true presence of love. The passage above describes it so beautifully. The sleet did hit the metal roof as if the beckon the world between of a great souls approach and yes, giant beautiful snow flakes did fall as if to celebrate Penny’s calming nature and fearless farewell, but what can’t be described was the magic that choked the air around her. Sitting there with Penny’s breath gently passing over my skin as I fought though tears to recited the medicine Buddha mantra, I experienced some of the worlds last magic. I could physically feel the love everyone there was pouring out to Penny as if it was a soothing fragrance and mixing within that sweetness was Penny’s magical love being freely offered as if it was her parting gift. I am convinced Penny left everyone in that barn some of her love. If all the world’s lost and hurting souls could have experienced her magic that day there is a certainty that the world would ignite in love. In all the lifetimes we experience on this earth we recognize greatness because of love in so few other beings. Thank you Penny for being one of those beings for me. My promise to you sweet Penny is to use your love to fight harder for those without voices and to remember as you always did, to stop and lay down in the grass and bask in the beauty and always search out the love. Farewell my loving teacher.
    “Oh Buddhas & Bodhisattvas of the ten directions and the three times,
    Please protect and guide Penny on her journey.
    May she be free from fear and clinging to this life.
    May she have a favorite rebirth.”


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 6, 2015 at 1:40 pm

      Oh George, you are so right. I, too, struggle with what seems to be a loss for the whole world– not having Penny here as a teacher and healer anymore. Yet I know Penny as well as I know myself. And I know she will never stop guiding and comforting lost souls. She is with us still, embracing all who are open. And I believe she will choose a rebirth that will allow her to continue to light the way for others. I remind myself of this at every moment, when all I want to do is hug that beautiful being and cry into her fur. This too shall pass.


        indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
        January 6, 2015 at 1:56 pm

        George, you said something very important– that you believe Penny was partly a manifestation of my love. In thirty years of animal rescue, I have learned a critical fact. If we give them the space, every nonhuman animal will show us just how wise and pure and truly sacred they are. We are blessed to have, here at Indraloka, a world where Love reigns, where the animals (human and nonhuman) are treated as the sacred beings they are, and where all (again human and non) are truly seen and heard. Here, the nonhuman animals do have voices, and we humans listen. None of this has anything to do with me. The animals and the earth itself gathered round to support and heal me. In the process, they created this place, they teach me how to love, how to see, and how to listen. I am nothing more than a sādhaka, the fact that I am surrounded by so many great teachers only shows how much I have to learn. If Penny has taught us anything, it must be this: all beings are Buddhas, if we are only open, we will have what Penny offered with every being in the world. It will be a world where Love and Light reign, and it is our destiny.


    Nelson* said:
    January 6, 2015 at 6:30 am

    Words fail me. I am so sad to hear this. Although I know that there is now another beautiful angel in heaven.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 6, 2015 at 1:32 pm

      I know your concern for her comfort meant all the world to Penny, as it did to me. Thank you, Nelson.


    Mary sweda said:
    January 6, 2015 at 12:17 pm

    My images of Indraloka begin and end with Penny. I remember first seeing her. To me, so very beautiful and unique. I was struck by her beauty, and as she turned to look at me, those eyes just looked so full of peace. Every day Indraloka remains in my prayers, all of the beautiful creatures…the lucky ones. But Penny, the queen, I especially remember. That first day I arrived at the sanctuary I was overwhelmed with emotion. But when she looked at me, it was as if she was sayin”it’s ok…we are all ok now. We are safe” I will never, ever forget this image. Peace and love to you Penny……


    Barbara de Jong said:
    January 6, 2015 at 3:23 pm

    I’m so thankful that Penny was included in the beautiful photo of Nick’s maple tree this past Christmas. Her beauty added much peace and serenity to the photo, which was shared with all Nick’s family and loved ones.


    Beckie said:
    January 6, 2015 at 5:04 pm

    Penny was my first encounter with a grown free-wandering cow up close…what a serene & lovely gal. So sad to hear of her passing…she will be missed dearly & her spirit will always remain at Indraloka. ❤


    Alan Ross said:
    January 6, 2015 at 11:29 pm

    As we stood together on the sunny hillside at Indraloka this past fall, watching Indra tenderly care for Penny, I thought how beautiful: no fear, no harm, just trust is present here.

    Robin Ross


    Hannah said:
    January 7, 2015 at 2:51 am

    Over two years ago, Mr. Freidlin brought me along to the sanctuary for the first time on an cold, wet day. Meeting Penny in all her infinite wisdom struck through to my heart and covered me in a spirit of compassion and purity that I had never before felt. I remember checking to see if anyone was watching when I placed a shy kiss onto her forehead before we piled into the car, pulled back onto the road, and drove into reality. She graced all that were lucky enough to find her with an overwhelming sensation of tranquil comfort and loving care that only a mother could give to her children. She would act as a mother to all who longed for warmth and kindness in the cold world outside of her barn, and would dote love upon her children every time they met her eyes. Penny will be dearly missed, but I do not doubt that her spirit of compassion will ever leave the immeasurable place that it currently occupies in my heart.


    Ali Sharpe said:
    January 7, 2015 at 3:09 pm

    I read this with tears in my eyes. So beautiful and moving. I never met Penny (live in Britain),
    but she sounded like a wonderful animal. I am so glad she found a loving home with you and that she brought so much to so many. I just wish that all cows could find a loving, happy home rather than being kept for human consumption. I am a vegetarian and when I look at that lovely face I know just why I couldn’t consume another living creature. My thoughts are with you all at this time, you are all going to miss your special friend. She will always be there in spirit. Thank you for all your good work, many animals need friends like you.


    Maura said:
    January 7, 2015 at 8:11 pm

    One of my most favorite memories of Penny is when first time visitors, at Thanksliving, were admiring her from a distance on the hill side. I told them that Penny loves to be loved and that it was ok to snuggle up to her, kiss her and pet her beautiful red coat.

    The love that surrounded her was overwhelming that day. With tears in my eyes, I stood and watched the light inside of every person radiate with pure joy, after connecting with Penny. One after another, the visitors walked away in such a way that seemed as if they had just been touched by an angel. That angels name was Penny. I will remember that day for ever. Penny truly was a gift to this earth. ♡ Peace and blessings to all.


    Mandy Smith said:
    January 7, 2015 at 9:01 pm

    I wish I had met the beautiful penny, R I P beautiful.


    Noriko said:
    January 7, 2015 at 11:06 pm

    Words cannot even describe how wonderful this is….to be surrounded by love and warmth in her final moments. Wouldn’t it be perfect if all living beings could experience this? Someday is my hope ☺️Thank you for all your work as warriors fighting for these animals.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 7, 2015 at 11:45 pm

      I agree, Noriko. Would that we all go this way, surrounded by love and suffused with light…


    Maura Cummings said:
    January 8, 2015 at 6:17 pm

    One of my most favorite memories of Penny is when first time visitors, at Thanksliving, were admiring her from a distance on the hill side. I told them that Penny loves to be loved and that it was ok to snuggle up to her, kiss her and pet her beautiful red coat.

    The love that surrounded her was overwhelming that day. With tears in my eyes, I stood and watched the light inside of every person grow stronger and radiate with pure joy, after connecting with Penny. One after another, the visitors walked away in such a way that seemed as if they had just been touched by an angel. That angels name was Penny. I will remember that day for ever. Penny truly was a gift to this earth. ♡ Peace and blessings to all.


    Doris Conant said:
    January 9, 2015 at 12:52 am

    My husband and I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Sweet Penny last year when we began volunteering at Indraloka Sanctuary. As we pulled in there stood Penny welcoming us to her loving and peaceful home. We met all of the animals that day and last but certainly not least we met Penny. Sarah asked us if we would like to feed Penny some apples. I have to admit we were a little nervous. We never met a cow before let alone feed one. But Penny made it so easy and she made it so much fun. When the apples were all gone I apologized to her and told her we would surely bring her more. She looked at us with those big ,beautiful brown eyes and all we saw was love and appreciation. From that moment We fell in love with Penny. We will miss feeding her apples and seeing her as we enter the sanctuary. There will be an empty spot where she used to stand as well as an empty place in our hearts. Penny was surrounded by love at Indraloka. We know because We witnessed it firsthand. Her spirit will always be there watching and welcoming whoever enters. We will never forget you Penny. Thank You for letting us be a part of your life.


    Sangeeta said:
    January 9, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    You are a true Bodhisattva Penny….. You will continue to inspire many hearts to open up. Thank you for your life, your love and your teaching ❤ Gracias Madre!


    Magda said:
    January 9, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    When I saw her first time I knew at the time it was something about her.
    Her peaceful appearance smart eyes and the wisdom she carried.
    We just couldn’t get away from her what a beautiful soul inside and out.
    I even thought about her few times after I was touched by her in some special way. I was honered to see her the second time and as the first time it was something about her I will always remember. Rest on peace Penny
    You will always be remembered .


    Lisa Caputo said:
    January 12, 2015 at 3:32 pm

    The first time my children and I volunteered at the Sanctuary Penny was the first sweet animal we saw as we drove up the driveway. I remember thinking immediately what a beautiful cow Penny was. When she looked into my eyes, I felt like she knew what I was thinking and knew how much she was loved. I’m so glad we got to see, talk to, pet, and kiss Penny one last time at Thanksliving. My daughter Cassie always felt a special bond with Penny as I know others did. I’m so grateful that she lived out her life at the Sanctuary and was loved by so many people. Indra, thank you so much for sharing your tribute to Penny with all of us. I’ve never met someone whose words have touched me so deeply as when Indra writes about the sweet animals. My heart goes out to Indra, Johnny, Sarah, and everyone who loved and cared for Penny. Penny will live on in my heart and memories forever.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 12, 2015 at 3:55 pm

      Lisa, I am so glad all of you were here to see Penny on ThanksLiving. Thank you for all that you do to help us care for the animals.


    Kevin V Storm said:
    January 27, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    Looking forward to having you on my show. If you’re not there in person, I hope we can meet soon. I would like to visit the sanctuary.


    Kevin V Storm said:
    January 27, 2015 at 1:32 pm

    Looking forward to having you on my show. If you can’t be there in person, I hope to meet you some day. I want to visit the sanctuary.


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      January 27, 2015 at 4:00 pm

      Dear Kevin, thank you. We would be happy to discuss being guests on your show, and happy to have you visit the sanctuary. Please feel free to email me to schedule it indra @ indraloka . org


    jamii said:
    March 7, 2015 at 12:42 pm

    I never knew her until this very second. But I now she was special ❤


      indralokaanimalsanctuary said:
      March 8, 2015 at 1:50 pm

      Thank you, she was. And they all are, we humans just don’t take the time to get to know all of them. How much we lose by not doing so!


    […] Like so many cats, Wesley knows instinctively when someone is in need, and he does not shy away from their suffering.  Penny the cow was the beloved Grand Dame of the sanctuary, a mother and friend to all. Wesley and Penny spent many happy hours together, Wesley contentedly grooming himself while Penny grazed nearby. But Penny was more than 30 years old, and the day came when she could no longer stand on her own. As she lay dying, surrounded by friends, Wesley climbed up and lay right on top of her for her final moments, helping her to feel loved until her last breath. […]


    […] around. He’s also a friend who remains loyal to the very end. Such was the case with Penny, a cow at the sanctuary who passed away last month. Wesley climbed on top of her and remained with her, purring and comforting until her […]


    […] “Wesley T. Monkey, unusually attuned even for a cat, lay purring across Penny’s back.” […]


    […] was a good friend of Penny’s, a cow at the sanctuary who had recently passed […]


    Cow Cuddling said:
    March 27, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    […] ending, but the incredibly compassionate cow died a few months later, apparently from old age . Here is the touching story of how everyone said goodbye to her. Get ready to use up even more […]


    […] of Indraloka,” Wesley T. Monkey recently found internet fame when he provided comfort to his dear bovine friend Penny as she peacefully passed away. Read this amazing tale that touched celebs like George […]


    Cow Cathedral « Stories from Indraloka Animal Sanctuary said:
    February 17, 2020 at 11:54 pm

    […] orb and drip into the purple and blue horizon. Years ago, I had a similar ritual with her mother, Penny Power. We used to walk along the meadow, shoulder to shoulder, slowing our breathing as the sun set, […]


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